inflatble stage cover air roof tent for outdoor party activity
Our Inflatable Stage Covers are quick and easy to install either on a stage platform or directly on the ground and can be erected by a small crew enabling you to cover a wide range of venues.
We manufacture a wide variety of Inflatable Stage Covers and canopies from 3m wide to 15m wide and they are available in many different colours.We are also able to manufacture to your own specifications.
As with our inflatable buildings, stage covers look good and are very eye catching especially with an overhang peak to give your stage cover that professional look as well as providing more weather protection.They can being used in television and film work, major exhibitions, radio road-shows, theatres, schools and all types of concerts and private functions worldwide.
Every stage covers being tested at our factory before shipping to our customer, and also how they look when when installed at an outdoor event. Here more details of the tent as below:

eyelet for the back door D rings for anchor the tent inside stiching work
stitching view air inlet tube inside wall
The back door can be removable, once no need the backdrop,it can be removied.
More information,please contact us.
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